Thursday, 1 December 2016

The Worst Scholarship Essay Example You Will Ever Read - Over 2 Dozen Mistakes

Avoid these awful mistakes! Looking for a scholarship essay example? Need help writing? This short essay will show you mistakes to avoid in vivid detail.
This essay would scare any scholarship foundation. I hit several elements: grammar, word choice and spelling, but not the topic and details. The topic will be sort of a spoof on the typical essay, to make the errors more obvious.
Scholarship Essay Example
Topic: How would you use a scholarship for research in Never Never Land?
As a child, I spent many summers in a land far, far away and enjoyed my expericenes there with my grandfather and grandmother in the castle. Its been many years, and since than I have studied geography as a profession. Now, as a personnel choice, I'd like to, through serious study of never never land, extensive reading of local authors, interviews with forest fairies, and observations of the lost boys, further my education.
My studies have included an internship in the land of Honnalee, where I also volunteered to work helping refugees fleeing the devastation caused by the dragon. I spent 3 hours weekly working at there shelter, providing assistance in locating they're family members. I found this work edifying. I helped people, and learned about the indigenous population and the surrounding land. I consider the time I spent living by the sea some of my most valuable.
In addition, to my volunteer work, with the Honnalee Oceanside Temporary Dragon Operation Growth and Guidance for Emigration of Refugees (or HOTDOGGER), me and my roommate, spent every Saturday, working, at the soup kitchen. And boy, do they cook good, literally! I'm sure your going to love it.
Geography offers many avenues for education, and has many other fields that imbue it with more value that geography is about. The understanding of what makes up a locale is what geography education is for. By utilizing local manuscripts, tribal information, and long term study, prudent land managers can assess the best direction to guide a country into. The fruits or benefits of good geography education provide a foundation for all to grow with. In reality, a strong education in this subject can lift all other subject that touch it or come nearby to.
There are so many I could come up with. For example, mathematics. By studying geography, one must understand scaling, altitude, longitude and latitude. Learning about geography will definatley effect you're other subjects.
In conclusion and to wrap up, finally I have a strong interest in becoming a professional in the real world of geography. I plan to work in cartography and archeological geography. My first specific aim will be to reunite my friend Smee with his long lost family and fortune, which is being held in an escrow account. He only need a small sum of money to release the millions held there on his behalf according to his email. I also plan to write a book tracing the voyages of Captain Hook in Never Never Land.
At present, I will not complete my second goal without this scholarship and the opportunity to, and I hope it will be awarded to me for the coming school year in order to begin my research and start writing, come to Never Never Land for the study of geography at Hana Mana Ganda University at the Mermaids Lagoon Campus, through the Snow White Memorial Scholarship Fund. But most importantly, it means Smee can finally find his family, and that the world will never, never forget Captain Hook and his contribution to watch winding technology and alligator rescue.
Do Not Make These Mistakes in Your Scholarship Essay!
This essay will not win a scholarship! It is pitiful, really. If you need money for college, write better than this. You can find over two dozen errors of word use, spelling, grammar, convention, and a surprise or two. Sadly, it is also fictional. Even if I was eloquent in describing my weekend volunteer activities, HOTDOGGER does not exist.

Education Essay 
Essays Solution

How to Answer the UC Wait List Essay

Being in California, the UC schools loom large for a lot of my students. Many of their parents have attended UC schools, and the system's stellar reputation combined with its low sticker price make these schools top choices for many of my students and their families. Admissions decisions for the UC schools are being released throughout the month of March, bringing good news - and some disappointment - to high school students around the world. But for some students, the decision exists somewhere between a yes and a no, in the form of the wait list.
One of the challenging things about the UC application is that there's one form that covers all the schools. So whether you're applying to one school or multiples, you only get to submit one application, one set of essays, and one list of your activities and achievements. When all the schools see the same materials, there's not an opportunity to discuss specifically what you love about any particular school. Unless you get invited to join the wait list.
Many colleges will accept and even encourage waitlisted students to submit new information. It might be your most recent quarter grades to show colleges that your upward trend is continuing. Or it might be an award or honor you've received in the last few months. But the UCs are unique in that they have a required essay for students who wish to be put on the wait list. UC Davis's prompt reads, "Please briefly tell us why you feel UC Davis is the right place for you to continue your education." Students might bemoan the fact that they have to write yet another essay for their college applications, but I see this as a wonderful opportunity to tell a college why you're interested in going there, and why you're still excited about it months after you first submitted your application.
The key to this kind of essay is getting personal. I always encourage my students to think about how other students might answer this prompt. They will likely talk about how strong the [insert your major] program is. They might say something about how nice the campus is. They might talk about how much they like the town of Davis, or the facilities, or the sports teams. But these responses are missing a crucial element: why is that important to you? And moreover, why is that unique to UC Davis? Maybe you like the campus because you grew up in a city, and you love the idea of looking out your dorm room window and seeing open fields for miles. Maybe you like the town of Davis because when you visited, you found this quirky coffee shop where a bunch of students were studying together, and you could immediately picture yourself there, having intellectual debates over cold brew coffee. Whatever your reason, you have to make it specific to the school and specific to yourself. So if you have the chance to write one of these essays, seize it, and give the most compelling reasons for why you're a great fit.
Applying to college has become a lengthy and complex process, and many students and families are at a loss as to how to get through it sanely and satisfactorily. That's where I come in. I work one-on-one with high school students, guiding them through the practical elements of the application while helping them articulate what they're really looking for in a college to produce their strongest possible application. I offer a range of packages as well as hourly meetings.

Education Essays 
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CBSE (NCERT) Sample Papers: A Springboard for the 9th and 10th Standard Board Examinations

Sample Paper or Practice Paper are the best means to evaluate the preparation of students before he or she actually appears the Board Examinations. These Practice Papers or Sample Paper and Guess Papers are generally prepared after lot of brain-storming by an expert team of teachers and professionals, associated with either Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) or National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) strictly in accordance with the norms issued by CCE (Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation) following the latest CBSE syllabus and NCERT text books.
Practice Papers and Sample Papers are important aids for the preparation of CBSE board examinations. Students' performance with these papers should help them to find out areas or the particular chapters of any subject that require more preparation. A thorough preparation for CBSE examinations especially, under its new CCE pattern must include solving at least some good quality sample papers or practice papers before entering into the real arena of examination as they have enormous inherent benefits.
Positive Aspects of Solving Practice Papers and Guess Papers 
  • Many students because of their poor time management and incompetent writing skills fail to complete answers of all questions in the scheduled time. Students should try to solve these CBSE (NCERT) Sample Papers within the allotted time by which they can learn time-management which has become more crucial during examinations now-a-days. This will ensure sufficient practice before the study, and in turn reduce anxiety before the examination starts.
  • Since the CBSE Sample Papers are designed as per the marking scheme of CCE following the latest CBSE syllabus, they offer students a broad understanding of the new marking system.
  • In addition, students learn the pattern of questions that will be asked in Class 9 or Class 10 Board Exams conducted by CBSE.
  • Help teachers and guardians to identify weak areas of their candidates (students). Once identified the weak areas, students can focus on that part of the syllabus and improve.
  • The examination phobia makes many students nervous and affects their performance due to their lack of confidence. The Cbse Ncert Practice Papers could be the best medicines for them as solving these papers would definitely boost confidence into them and help them tackle questions easily in the examination hall.
Now-a-days there are many websites dealing in these materials, but CBSE | NCERT Solutions is a site where one can get some standard Sample Papers and Guess Papers on different subjects and very similar to those asked in the CBSE examinations especially, for Class IX and Class X. Moreover, at CBSE | NCERT Solutions one can access to these papers totally Free of Cost without requiring to do any Registration etc. There is a true, old adage: Practice makes perfect. So, do some practice and become more perfect before you write your actual examinations!
Education Papers
Academic Essays

Essay Paper Writing: Building An Introductory Paragraph

In general, an essay is structured in three parts -- an introduction, the body, the conclusion. Think of the introduction as a single paragraph designed to introduce the thesis statement. Often persons build an introductory paragraph before having developed an effective thesis statement indicating less than the most effective organization of thinking about the topic of a paper! In this article, using an example thesis statement, the development of an introductory paragraph for an actual essay assignment is described.
In a cultural diversity class the author had an assignment to write an essay to " a current article that discusses or illustrates the portrayal of some aspect of cultural diversity in U.S.society." One current article which appeared to meet the assignment directions concerned black officers in the U.S. military -- it illustrated an aspect of cultural diversity in U.S. society. So the general topic of the proposed essay became "A review of a current newspaper article that discusses black officers in the U.S. military illustrating an aspect of cultural diversity in the U.S." This statement of the general topic of the proposed essay serves as the basis for the first sentence in the introductory paragraph. The first sentence of the example introductory paragraph might be something like "The media addressing some aspect of cultural diversity that was selected for this paper is a newspaper article discussing black officers in the U.S. military." Notice how this sentence clearly states what is the general topic of the essay which IS the main point of the introductory paragraph. Also notice how words from the assignment directions are used in this sentence -- communicating to the essay evaluator that the writer is paying attention to the assignment directions.
For the example essay paper assignment, one thesis statement developed was "Regarding black officers in the U.S. military, the author in this essay presents performance examples of these officers, then describes programs in the U.S. military to promote black officer candidates, and then explores challenges still facing black officers in the U.S. military." Notice how this statement begins with communicating the general topic of the paper followed by the presentation of three main points to be addressed in the essay using action verbs (presents, describes, explores) to identify what the author intends to do with each main point in the essay. For the most effective organization of thinking for an essay, stick with focusing on three and only three main points. This thesis statement becomes the last sentence in the introductory paragraph. So the statement of the general topic is the basis for the first sentence and the thesis statement is the last sentence in an introductory paragraph -- what's between these two sentences?
Although there are many resources available via the Internet describing how to build paragraphs, this author uses a simple four-sentence method for constructing a basic paragraph. In a basic paragraph, first sentence, often labeled the "topic sentence," states what is the main point of the paragraph. Second sentence provides some evidence that demonstrates or supports the main point. Third sentence describes for the reader how the writer understands the information provided in the second sentence DOES demonstrate or support the main point stated in the first sentence. Since the first three sentences DO communicate the main point of the paragraph, provide evidence to support or make that point, and explain how the evidence provided DOES support the main point according to the writer's understanding, then by the end of the third sentence, the point of the paragraph HAS BEEN MADE. Therefore, sentence four is designed to communicate to the reader that the point of the paragraph has now been made AND introduce the reader to the main point of the next paragraph. This four-sentence structure may be used to develop the three main paragraphs in an essay (and any subparagraphs for the main paragraphs) as well as developing the introductory paragraph.
Using this four-sentence structure to build the introductory paragraph, start the paragraph with a statement that clearly communicates the general topic of the paper. The topic statement developed for this example assignment as indicated previously is "A review of a current newspaper article that discusses black officers in the U.S. military," so a possible first sentence might be "The media addressing some aspect of cultural diversity that was selected for this paper is a newspaper article discussing black officers in the U.S.military." Notice how this sentence clearly communicates up-front to the reader what is the general topic of the essay and it clearly communicates to the essay evaluator the author's understanding of the assignment!
Following the four-sentence process for paragraph development, the second sentence is expected to provide some information that illustrates or supports the point stated in the first sentence. For this example essay assignment, the located newspaper article that discusses black officers in the U.S. military IS the support or evidence to present in the second sentence -- and the article located, via some online research is titled "After 60 years, black officers rare" by L.C. Baldor, published in The Times Herald, 7/28/08. So the second sentence of the example introductory paragraph might be something like "In the newspaper article 'After 60 years, black officers rare,' the author of the article indicates that although 'Blacks have made great strides in the military since it was integrated 60 years ago, but they still struggle to gain a foothold in the higher ranks [in the military]'." Of course, at the end of this sentence is expected a "citation" to show the source of the information presented in the second sentence -- like (Baldor, 2008, ¶ 1). Please note the role of a citation is to point the reader to the related reference that is expected on the "References" page at the end of the essay -- and note the citation consists of last name of the author, year of publication of the article, and, in this case, a number indicating the specific paragraph in the article where the cited information may be located (because this online article did not provide page numbers). What to notice in this second sentence is how the information presented in the sentence directly supports or MAKES the point stated in the first sentence, BUT, don't leave it up to the reader to make that connection on his or her own -- in the third sentence, communicate explicitly to the reader how YOU, the writer, understands the information in the second sentence demonstrates the point stated in the first sentence.
So the third sentence in the example introductory paragraph is expected to clearly communicate to the reader how the information in the second sentence does support the main point of the paragraph as stated in the first sentence. For this example, a third sentence might be something like "This information clearly indicates the selected newspaper article presents some aspect of cultural diversity, that aspect being blacks in the U.S. military still struggling to achieve higher ranks." Notice how this sentence communicates explicitly to the reader the writer's understanding of exactly how the information presented in the second sentence supports the main point stated in the first sentence. At this point, the main point of this paragraph HAS BEEN MADE.
All that remains to be added to complete this example introductory paragraph is the fourth sentence, and for the "introductory" paragraph, the fourth sentence IS the thesis statement, which has been developed already! So the completed example introductory paragraph is:
The media addressing some aspect of cultural diversity that was selected for this paper is a newspaper article discussing black officers in the U.S.military. In the newspaper article "After 60 years, black officers rare," the author of the article indicates that although "Blacks have made great strides in the military since it was integrated 60 years ago, but they still struggle to gain a foothold in the higher ranks [in the military]" (Baldor, 2008, ¶ 1). This information clearly indicates the selected newspaper article presents some aspect of cultural diversity, that aspect being blacks in the U.S.military still struggling to achieve higher ranks. Regarding black officers in the U.S.military, the author in this essay presents performance examples of these officers, then describes programs in the U.S.military to promote black officer candidates, and then explores challenges still facing black officers in the U.S.military.
Notice the four-sentence structure of this introductory paragraph. Notice how the general topic of the essay is clearly stated in the first sentence and notice how the supporting evidence in the second sentence and the explanation of how that evidence does support the general topic of the essay leads the reader to the statement of the thesis -- the last sentence in the introductory paragraph. Notice how the last sentence in this introductory paragraph (the thesis statement) communicates to the reader a clear outline of what the reader may expect in the essay, thus providing the reader an opportunity to develop an initial structure of thinking in his or her own brain to use to build an effective understanding of the main points the author of the essay intends to communicate to the reader.

Custom Essay Writing - Should You Buy Essays Online?

Custom essay writing services are rampant on the web these days. Every time I turn around, it seems like there is a new website selling essays to unsuspecting college students around the world. These companies are unethical and doing their customers a major disservice.
Keep reading to find out why you should never pay money for an essay online.
Where do essay writing services get their essays? Although many of these companies would like you to believe that they are creating essays with a qualified team of writers, most of these so-called essay writing services actually outsource their writing to India and other countries. Think of it: someone in New Delhi is getting paid a few bucks an hour to write your college paper.
Why is it so bad to buy an essay that was produced in a foreign country? Besides the obvious waste of an opportunity to grow intellectually and the apparent waste of your college tuition, an essay written by a foreigner is simply not going to reflect the expectations of a college writing class in the United States.
Many custom essay writing services will also provide you with a finished document that is recycled from previously composed work for other customers. Some of these essays even get reproduced online and become easy for your instructor to catch and dismiss as simple plagiarism.
As a college writing instructor myself, I have found it very easy to identify essays that students either buy online or pay someone else to write. It is not difficult and often very obvious when it happens. I want to urge you to think twice (even three times) about making this error next time you think about skipping an assignment and finding an essay for sale on the web. Not only will you be throwing away your college education, you're also very likely to get caught!

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Writing An Academic Paper - 12 Easy Steps To Success

Writing an academic paper remains a difficult, trying, and intimidating task for many students. This is unfortunate because much of the course subjects a student will take while in a university requires paper writing as an academic exercise. In the same manner, expressing one's self well in writing is frequently a critical ability in the professional community. Although eloquence and knowledge in composition are prized skills in any industry, writing an academic paper demands even more expertise. With academic writing, one need not only develop the ability to express one's self in words, but also the ability to conduct research from a continuously widening range of sources in order to select and decide which among the relevant morsels of data are actually the most relevant. The writer must be able to properly provide his/her own observations, discussions, and conclusions. Nonetheless, academic writing does not simply constitute the expression of a person's own opinions alone, but more importantly, it likewise calls for the expression of facts already established by others juxtaposed with one's logical opinions and conclusions based on the research.
Why does writing an academic paper fill many students with dread? My observation following my exposure to the most common (and even the most uncommon) problems in the course of my work where I review thousands of papers is quite simple. The fear stems from not knowing much about the technical aspects of writing a paper. There are no clear-cut rules or, in a manner of speaking, no black and white method to guide scholars on how to compose an effective academic paper.
There are multitudes of references on formatting bibliographic entries, using search engines, creating outlines, and using word processors, among other things. However, in most likelihood, one cannot find a correct, concise, and simple description of the modern method of research, which includes building a paper from scratch and into its varied stages of composition, and scaling efforts to the needs of the assignment. I have searched and have not found any material focused on this subject, presenting me with the realization that such literature is greatly needed by aspiring (and even seasoned) academicians. With this article I have written, I aim to address this deficiency by presenting you a supplemental tool to writing academic papers, arranged in easy and numbered steps, beginning with Step 1 and continuing through to Step 12.
STEP 1. Begin early.
If you are currently busy and thinking there will be more time later, you might do better to think again. The future may only seem in order because it is yet to arrive. When it does, it will be as chaotic as the current situation is. So how do you end up being late? It all happens a day at a time. It is impossible to know when you will have a clear chunk of time later, so proceed to the next step as soon as a paper is assigned. Not doing so immediately lands authors, and yourself, on the road to being late-and it all happens a little as each day passes.
STEP 2. Create a budget of pages.
Let us assume that the assignment is a descriptive essay or, alternatively, a common "compare/contrast" paper. For matters of example, let us take the latter:
Compare and contrast the roles played by Freedom Park and Liberation Field in immigrants' lives in America in the 1800s.(Please note that Freedom Park and Liberation Field are fictitious places and are only used as examples in our white paper.)
Let us say that the paper is intended to be around 2500 words (about six pages) in length when it has a margin of 1" all around and single-spaced. Let us further suppose that the paper will not have a cover page. We also have to remember that the bibliography is never included in the page count.
The page budget for the paper also serves as the outline of your paper. You would have to decide what the elements of the paper would be, and the allocation of the necessary number of words/pages for each element. In the sample assignment, the logical page budget is established as follows:
1/2 page Opening statement. What is the paper all about? What are the subjects that will be presented? What are the paper's objectives?
One page Facts about Freedom Park. Where is it located? When was it built? Who uses it? Are there noteworthy events that it has hosted?
One page Facts about Liberation Field. Where is it located? When was it built? Who uses it? Are there noteworthy events that it has hosted?
One page Immigration to New York, in general. What immigrant groups arrived during the time period specified? Are there interesting and relevant facts that may be cited for each group?
Two pages The meat of the paper; addressing the topic. What are the similarities and/or differences between the immigrant groups concerned, their respective involvement in their field/park, and the reason for their involvement?
1/2 page Summary and conclusion. How was the topic explored? What was determined / proven?
Page outlines provide authors with an overview of the appropriate coverage of each element of the paper. Without this outline, it is very easy to write excessively about issues you are already greatly familiar with, and much easier to write too little of issues you are not very familiar with. Moreover, you may not be able to address all issues involved. With a page outline, you can focus on addressing all issues within the corresponding amount of space coverage. More often than not, we find that with page outlines, we tend to edit down (lessen page coverage) than drag word count up with redundancies and/or generalizations. This is always a far much better position to have as an author.
Some professors specify page limits, while others do not. Thus, it is of extreme importance that you be able to plan your paper properly with the aid of a page outline. Writing is not about simply setting down on ink what comes to your mind, and then extending the words/phrases to meet page length limits. More than anything, it involves careful development of the proposed research statement or position on any given issue.
STEP 3. Gather resource materials.
Begin the paper with the assigned text if such is supplied. Academic textbooks usually contain bibliographies and/or footnote citations in reference to other books/articles. Hard copy publications remain excellent sources as the first set of resource materials to look for. When there is no assigned textbook relating to the assignment, you can begin with a search in an online library and with a subject search. The bibliographies and citations in this first batch of sources, if researched correctly, guarantee that much of the task will already be accomplished.
Next, build a list of the resources the first source of references point to. If the research task is small (less than 25 pages output, less than 15 sources), then a handwritten/typewritten breakdown is normally sufficient. However, if the research effort is greater (not too many undergraduate papers are, or will ever be), putting together the list in a spreadsheet and/or a Word document should be considered. Larger lists need search capabilities of the journal sources/references for better tracking of the subjects in each journal against subjects that cannot be found.
After locating the references/resources, prepare them for mark-up (always remember to do this only to photocopied/printed out copies and not to the original documents):
o For journals, always remember to photocopy journal covers and content tables because these pages usually contain the citation information for the articles that will be used.
o For Internet sources, print out the article/source and ensure that the URL (Web address of the source) is printed.
o Treat journal sources as you would your book sources.
Always remember that sources with their own bibliographies are the best references. As such, journals remain the most credible academic sources as opposed to ordinary publications like magazines. Unless your source is an acknowledged staple (or unless the paper's subject is historical) in your field of study, try to find the most recent references as they more often prove to be more credible than earlier literature; this is especially true in the areas of science/technology.
STEP 4. Make a first reading of gathered resource materials.
A first reading is a quick browse through your references. You would need a general concept of the subject matter at hand to help form your own ideas regarding the topic. Mark the references that appear important and/or related to the concepts and/or facts of the task. Do not hope to gain in-depth knowledge at this time, but try to form a specific judgment regarding the references.
First readings should be conducted even while the resources are still being gathered. This saves much time. Always have some journals available for a quick read at any given time; this may be between classes, while in a bus, on a train ride, during lunch, and practically anywhere else. Always remember where you left off reading so no time is wasted when the material is picked up again.
At this stage of research writing, you will find seemingly essential materials/information that may prove worthless in the end. Cull liberally. It is best to differentiate the mash from the real grain at this point. Once the first read is done, ensure that the selected references are properly marked within one's source sheet.
STEP 5. Draft a research statement.
After the first read, one should be ready to draft a research statement, which will be the core of the research paper. It is a simple statement with specific points that will form the coverage of the paper. Ideally, it is a paragraph composed of three to four sentences. Using our sample, the suggested research statement reads as follows:
The Irish were among the first big immigrant groups to land in New York. Through the years, these groups also came: the Swedes, the Germans, the Italians, the eastern Europeans, the Chinese, the Greeks, the Koreans, and more. The first generation of settlers often brought with them games that they played in their places of origin, but their second generations chose to adopt "American" sports, particularly baseball. Immigrant groups with access to venues such as Freedom Park and Liberation Field are most likely to develop skills needed to become sports professionals.
STEP 6. Read the selected references a second time around.
After having formed the research statement, one should read each of the selected sources a second time and in a more in-depth fashion, specifically searching for quotable passages that can support the research statement. Ensure that each potential quotable passage is marked for convenient reference, and that each of the reference sources is properly marked once the second reading is done for them.
STEP 7. Create the "backbone" of the document with a word processor.
First, set up the margins to 1" on all sides (or to what is specified by the professor/publisher). Next, create a header including page numbers, and footers with file name and path. Form a first page with name and title lines, and insert a page break to create a second page. Finally, label the second page as the "Bibliography." Note that there are no entries to be typed into the Bibliography at this stage, but citations will be added as quotes/references are typed in while the paper is written. Therefore, the paper now has pages: a start page with paper title, plus a blank Bibliography page.
Two points to keep in mind:
The bibliography documents whole books/articles.
Notes (these may be footnotes at the bottom of each page, or endnotes at the end of the research) link quoted phrases/sentences/concepts in the paper to a specific page in the bibliography.
Footnotes may be made in an MS Word document from the menu bar: Insert > Reference > Footnote
STEP 8. Type in the marked quotations, ensuring each has a comment regarding its relation to the research statement.
At this point in the paper, only typing is required. Transfer/type in all quotes that have been marked in the sources into the Bibliography page. Ensure that each entry is indented half an inch from the margin, and the entries are listed in alphabetical order. As each entry is typed in, form the citation footnote for the entry. These footnotes should be page specific to the reference being cited. Using this method, a credible citation list is created with minimized ambiguity, addressing imprecise citations that may be suspect.
As this step is largely mechanical, it may be started, paused, and re-initiated. With this stage, two significant aspects of the paper are remembered: the bulk of the paper is built with academically sound content and it completes the bibliography as well.
Once this step is completed, roughly 80% of the paper is also completed, given that proper care and attention have been placed in selecting the passages that are typed in.
STEP 9. Develop the thoughts of the content, ensuring each is supported by quotes.
Insert several blanks at the beginning of the paper before the first quote that will be used, and begin the draft of the paper's content. Note that this starting point will ultimately fall into the middle part of the paper, but writing begins here because it is the most significant content of the paper.
Next, introduce another point, and then cut and paste quotations from the list completed in Step 8. Explore (by adding supporting sentences), support (by citing/quoting the author/s of the reference), or simply elaborate on the idea. Following this, cite two or more powerful quotations from the completed list in Step 8, citing different sources, and finally restating and summing up the idea with one's original thoughts on the matter.
This pattern of writing should be followed until all the concepts of the core statement are addressed.
A nearly finished paper will emerge from this step.
STEP 10. Write the Introduction and Conclusion of the research paper.
In the example used, the Introduction would discuss details about Freedom Park and Liberation Field. This section does not form the heart of the paper, but ensure that quotes are still used to anchor the content to facts from the resources.
Make the conclusion concise and succinct. Re-state the major concepts explored by the paper, highlighting what has been "proven" using quotes and facts derived from the paper's main body (constructed in Step 8). Avoid redundancy in terms of word use and sentence structure, a common mistake committed by less experienced authors worried about word count. Trust that a careful execution of Step 8 guarantees that word count limits are met for the paper.
STEP 11. Write the Abstract of the research paper.
It may seem strange that writing the Abstract of the paper is reserved toward the final stages of drafting a paper, but this is the best time to introduce what is going to be discussed in the paper - after the actual paper has already been actually written.

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Quick Helpful Tips on Academic Writing

Writing an academic text, such as an essay or dissertation, requires certain rules to be observed.
Below are a few tips, aimed at university students, postgraduates, researchers and academics, that should hopefully help you avoid certain mistakes when you write your academic text.
1) Language
Avoid using colloquial English
Original: The critic said no he cannot accept this argument, and that he would knock it down logically.
Amended: The critic refused to accept this argument, stating that he would follow a logical approach to refute it.
Original: This scientific paper makes sure that the phenomenon is well talked about.
Amended: This scientific paper ensure that the phenomenon is well discussed.
2) Active/Passive
Writing your thesis, dissertation or academic journal in the active voice is much more preferred than using the passive voice. This is because it makes your copy clear to readers.
Original: Proofreading services are believed by students in the UK to be important.
Amended: Students in the UK believe that proofreading and editing services are important.
Original: My essay is thought to be up to academic standard by my supervisor.
Amended: My supervisor thinks that my essay is up to academic standard.
3) Contractions
Do not use any contracted forms of words. Detail the words.
Original: The author couldn't support his argument in the dissertation
Amended: The author could not support his argument in the dissertation
Original: This article doesn't highlight the importance of accurate scientific paper writing.
Amended: This article does not highlight the importance of accurate scientific paper writing.
4) End of sentences
Although it is grammatically acceptable, it is widely thought that when writing for academic purposes, sentences should not end with prepositions.
Original: I discussed with my supervisor all the themes that I had to be aware of.
Amended: I discussed with my supervisor all the themes of which I had to be aware.
Original: During the lecture, our teacher told us about all references that we could benefit from.
Amended: During the lecture, our teacher told us about all references from which we could benefit.
5) Checking
One of the main mistakes any academic could make is to write their own essay or dissertation and rush it to their supervisors and professors without proper revision.
A piece of writing as important as a dissertation or an academic paper, should be checked and proofread carefully to ensure all points above have been observed.

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The Cost of Online Tutors

Tutoring costs can be expensive, there's no doubt about that. Being tutored privately traditionally carries the stigma of something that's exclusively reserved for the rich families of this world. Things have changed, however, and it's now far more affordable to get some help on the web than it ever was before. When hiring a private tutor, many factors come into play. Parents should look at a tutor's credentials, their availability, their references, etc. Online tutoring takes care of most of these complications for you. Getting your child the help they need has suddenly become much cheaper and easier.
Since tutoring online is based on the principles of one-to-one tutoring, it is just as effective. Some parents may be shy of trusting their child's education to a computer screen but, in some cases, online tutoring may even be better than tutoring in person.
The computer creates a classroom like environment where the tutor and student can interact and communicate as if they were in the same room.
Because of the easiness and low cost of online tutoring, it is becoming very popular very fast. Many people are starting to choose online tutoring over other more conventional methods of academic assistance.
Scheduling an online tutoring session is much easier than scheduling one in person. Transportation needs and costs no longer come in to play; working from your computer is much easier than traveling any number of miles to another location.
Some students are embarrassed about having to be tutored. They dislike having to go to learning centers; this could potentially affect their performance. The embarrassment aspect of tutoring is removed when doing it online. This makes for a happier students and a student that is more willing and open to being tutored.
Parents tend to like online tutoring because it's cheaper. Having a private tutor come to your house can be extremely expensive, and some people just don't have that kind of money.
Online tutors receive training in their fields and usually possess certifications that guarantee them qualified to tutor your student. This is a much more reliable system then hiring your neighborhood high school students to help your kid with their math homework.
Online tutoring companies subjected to this to intensive background checks to ensure that they are a good match for their clients. So you can be sure that your child is being helped by a person who is able to handle any situation that could arise. All things considered, online tutoring seems to be the best option.

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